Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Extravaganza

In case anyone checks the blog more than their email, the Sping Extravaganza will be on rain or shine. If it rains we'll move into the Lang Cafeteria. Hope to see you all there!

Dear Blog,

I will get some voices reacting to The Big News today at the spring extravaganza. Also, I will happily produce the News Program tomorrow.


P.S.--free food at the extravaganza

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hi everyone.
Please take some amazing photos for our new WNSR website


Saturday, April 25, 2009

WBAR 19th annual BBQ needs coverage!!

There is a free concert this sunday, the 19th WBAR BBQ at Barnard University. There is free beer and food all day starting 10:30am (that's right AM). Musical Acts include Gang Gang Dance, Soft Circle, Pack FM, Free Blood, Xeno & Oaklander, Metalux, Liturgy, Acrylics, Jerome Ellis and...

Set - Me (garret hurley) and Fitz Shaw! We go on at 11am.

Here's the link

If you want to come and record it, do it! If you wanna videorecord it, do it!

Besides that y'all should just come anyway.

117th & Broadway (1 train), Barnard University Lawn, 10:30am

Shameless self promotion,

Garret 303-668-3559

Friday, April 24, 2009

WNSR Tabling at Spring Extravaganza

The Spring Extravaganza event is actually a bit longer than the times I gave in class today. The event will actually run from 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM on Thursday, May 7th. With that being the case, I would say we need about 4-6 volunteers to help out with tabling in shifts.

The marketing team will have a more concrete description of what tabling will entail next week. For now, however, we know it will at least involve letting potential listeners know about the content we have available and a sign-up sheet for potential producers of summer content. And it will likely involve the distribution of granola bars/WNSR information.

If you are available to table during all or part of the 4:30 - 8 PM timeslow, please comment on this blog entry with the hours you can help out. Thanks everyone!


unofficial announcement from Joseph B. Warren re: WNSR Radio Programming.

Craigslist show? FÜ©ķING HILARIOUS!
Thanks N&R

Thursday, April 23, 2009

new website

I think the new website looks too plain. I like the flash feature in the right corner of the page but the site needs more imagery, such as some pictures to coincide with the postings. Also, the color choice of purple, red and white is questionable. I liked the colors of the original website better because it had more of a unique look and feel.

I like the Web 2.0 sharing features that were added, but the postings have to have more of a clear formatting; they look sort of jumbled together. Maybe something that creates a visual break between one post and the next would help? Overall, I think the new design needs some visual interest added.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I was going to do a feature on the upcoming performance of the Tempest. Does anybody know people in the cast and crew I could get in touch with for interviews?


Friday, April 17, 2009


Hello teams!

This Wednesday, April 22, is Earth Day. We'd like to post some special programming relating to all things green. So far we have a Feature on composting in NYC by our Media Studies colleague Caryn Cline, and perhaps a piece of mine on CSAs in NYC. PLEASE let Jim or myself know if you'd like to produce/curate some interviews/sets/features along these lines. Abstract "Earth" connections welcome! Ideally we could post all the material in advance of the day itself, so if you're on board let's get crackin'!

Thanks for all your hard work!


Really easy to manage. I like the minimum use of images doesn't distract when listening to the piece. However the one scrolling image on the right side of the homepage is really helpful in quickly accessing pieces. All around a good look.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

News Coverage Needed

WNSR staffers:

The 4th Annual New School Social Justice Conference
Saturday, April 18 and Sunday, April 19
6 East 16th Street
Full conference schedule available at

Any and all coverage is welcomed. We can use in our newscasts.
Free breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days.

Jeff Weiser

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

News Coverage Needed

Hello WNSR Staffers
Here are two stories that we could use coverage.

1. Wednesday, April 15 at 8 pm
Parsons, rm 1204 (2 W. 13th Street, 12th Floor)
University Student Senate will have regular meeting. Events of last Friday
will be discussed.

2. Wednesday, April 22 8:30 am to 10 am.
Lang Community & Student Center
55 West 13th Street 2nd floor
"The Media and the Mayor"
Panel discussion featuring top New York City news people.
Event is sponsored by The Center for NYC Affairs
Jeff Weiser/WNSR News

Top 200 RPM Priority Adds

Hey Y'all,

Just a reminder to all, but specifically music folks: Take a look at password: spring2009 for some new artists on the Top 200 RPM Adds list! These are new artists from across the globe that are the shi$. Free new music!


Friday, April 10, 2009


Hello class!

If you are available and would like to cover the CURRENT OCCUPATION OF 65 FIFTH AVE (happening since 6am, according to WNYC), you can text Jim at 917-620-6999. He's in the area and has recorders that you can use.

Thanks team!
See you this afternoon.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Music Catalogue Etc.

Hey Folks,

We have been discussing the growth and accessibility of WNSR programming, more specifically music, and we've come to some ideas.

At this point in the stations history, and given the fact that we are not yet streaming 24/7, we figured that it is not a priority to try and collaborate with different promotions and labels to have them send us music. We have no way to report charts like BMI, CMJ, Top 200, etc. Also we figure that most DJ sets or other music programming is determined by the individual DJ who most likely has a set idea of the content that they want to play. It is certainly something that we can get started on as I'm sure we have many people at WNSR that have contacts within the industry. That said we have created a tentative place to have any of your contacts (labels, students, your band, promotion companies etc.). Send us digital music by loging onto: password: spring2009

To upload music, click on the documents tab at the top, and then browse for the file and click upload.

We were also discussing our music library... We are determined to get at least one 1TB drive where people can share their music and where we can archive the music that has been on our shows. This would require diving into our budget, or getting a tremendously dedicated group of students who want to throw down $20 bucks or so to get a 1TB drive under $300. So keep that in mind...

In conjunction with the archiving issues, we are concerned about the search functions on the website. We would like to work with the web team in creating an online digital library that is search able, so that the music can be easily located. This includes any music on the drive and music located on our shows.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Delays in site updates, etc

Dear class:

It's Jim Briggs here to inform you of some recent developments that have delayed the posting of some of your production work.

As Joe Plourde noted, our station hard drive had some significant data-structure issues that required my taking it out for maintenance and running several diagnostics and repair programs on it. This went beyond the usual Disk Repair utility that all Macs have and it contributed to the delay.
1) Please make sure to EJECT or UNMOUNT the drive before disconnecting, EVERY TIME you use it. NEVER, EVER, EVER disconnect it before ejecting, or before the station is shut down.
2) For whatever reason, Audio Suite 2 seems to very much dislike our drive. If you plan to use Audio Suite 2, do not connect the WNSR drive to the workstation. Instead use the suite's Work in Progress drive, drag your whole project to the Drop Box, and copy it to the station drive from another workstation for backup.
3) Now more than ever, we remind you that you will benefit from owning either your own 7200 RPM Firewire drive for running sessions directly as well as backup, or a slower / USB drive for backup and storage. In these situations, you can guarantee that you have your work and will not lose it because it exists in two places. If you're in the market for a drive, or want to know what is the best way to format it for using on school stations, contact me.
Also, over the past few days our administrative password to the site was somehow compromised and we had to go into our databases to reset this. In the interim, our site was down and our content and programming managers were unable to update the site. We appreciate your patience and also your respect for and careful attention to procedure during this time and in the future.

Our hope is that with the new site, the responsibility and the exciting prospect of making this YOUR space will be more realistic; we're hoping that with what the web team has to present this Friday we will see this vision in action.

Lastly, you can expect that your productions will be appearing on the site in the coming days if you do not already see it on there and have made a prior deadline.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WNSR Station Drive

Dear WNSR community,

Yesterday we encountered some serious problems with the WNSR station hard drive. Luckily, Jim was able to take the hard drive home and fix the problem late last night. However, the drive will not be back at 55 W. 13th St. until Wednesday. Also, this may serve as a rude awakening to the fact that we need a more solid set of procedures for utilizing the station drive so that we don't run into this problem again. So be ready for a few procedural changes.

Also, if you see Jim, bow down and thank him for saving all of your audio files and/or session data.

-Joe Plourde

Monday, March 30, 2009

WNSR & New School Jazz & Contemprary Music

Hey everyone... Some quick news to spark the sparks...
There has been profound interest and desire expressed by New School Jazz & Contemporary Music to have a presence on WNSR in some capacity.
Currently, there is a large amount of material already recorded or about to be recorded
of different ensembles that exist at the Jazz school.
I will emphasize that the material is a range of styles and materials outside the genres of Jazz
and would emphasize that the CONTEMPORARY side of the music would be quite present in most cases. Pertinent information regarding these ensembles and the people involved can be
learned and acquired to shed more light on the recordings themselves... research is good.

I write you now to garner who would be interested in incorporating this material or allowing for new, live material on an existing or approaching music show/program?
There is material already recorded... can an existing show perhaps include some of NS Jazz music in its rotation?
Can a live band from NS Jazz come and perform from time to time through WNSR?
I can aid in connecting interested parties with the powers that be at NS Jazz to facilitate this endeavor.... and facilitate interested students to those who want to build a show with this in mind.

The pros of this relationship with Jazz allows for:
• More of a cross-pollination between the different schools.
• Relationships begin for musical composition needs for Media Studies, soundtracks for short-films, animations etc...
through fostering this connection and a pipeline through which students at Jazz can connect with the NS body as a whole.
• Original programming that is endemic to the New School and the New School only.
• Most material has already been recorded, all it would need is someone interested in learning more about the ensembles,
the students and a show can be built around it.

You may ask: Why don't I do it?
Well. I am a musician and an engineer, not a producer... so there you have it...
Plus, I am graduating in a year and have plenty of work to do on my own outside of NS Radio.

That said. I love you all.
Please respond with interests ASAP!
The force will be with you... always.
Hasta la victoria, siempre!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Call for improvisationally inclined actors

For an upcoming audio piece I'm looking for the following:
3 youngish sounding people, preferably 2 men and one woman.
They should feel comfortable with comedic drama, dramatic comedy, or something in between.
The piece is going to be about ten minutes with an outline, but dialogue is going to be improvised by the actors.
send me an email if a: you want in or b: you know someone who would.



Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hi all,
In the link for spots, there should be a new spot/PSA advertising Lang's Stem Cells in the City series this spring. Also, you can download the .wav file at This is a time sensitive PSA, but should be good through the month of April (in that the last events take place in May. Since you are all supposed to put spots in your shows anyway, I was hoping that some of you would be able to use this one immediately for their next show. Hope all is well!
Joe Plourde

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Tomorrow I am recording the Developing an Operating Budget meeting at 3pm in the Theresa Lang Community & Student Center, 55 W. 13th 2nd floor. 

Then, I'm swinging over to Wollman Hall to record the "Girls, Girls, Girls" panel discussion at 6pm. 

If you want to learn the most basic of field recording techniques: plugging into the board, then join me! 

also, the operating budget thing could be a news item? 


Hello all! sorry for posting this so late!
As discussed on our last meeting, it would help a lot if the Marketing team has a little info about the programs you are doing and that are currently 'on-air'. As you know, this is for the campaign.

For example, the name of the show, what kind of show is it (music, talk etc) what kind of music/themes are offered, what do you think makes it attractive to students and any other info you consider relevant. Please reply through 'comments'.


Marketing Team

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Voices Needed

The New Mercury Theater is hopefully going to be recording it's first radio drama this Friday but we need willing voices to read for us this Friday after class. These are the characters needed-

Virgil Benjamin, 37 years old

Father Rodney, mid-fifties

Serena, early twenties

Toby, mid-twenties, black

Phyllis, late thirties

If you or anyone you know is interested please reply or email me at
and I'll send out the script.

Thanks so much!

If you need help tonight 3/24

Hey all,

I, Josh Rosenberg, will be present and on-hand on the 8th floor of 55 W. 13th from 6pm-8pm to assist with any engineering needs to my full capabilities. My phone number is 508.641.6066. Feel free to ask for help.

Monday, March 23, 2009

posting fliers around campus

Hello class! Hope you all had a good break.

I apologize for not posting this information sooner. Protocol for posting fliers around is pretty straightforward. If you want to put things behind glass, Susan Heske in Student Services (79 FIFTH AVE, 5TH FLOOR,, will take 8 (the number of cases) and post them. Academic Technology permits posting on bulletin boards (floors 3, 4, 8, 9 at 55 W. 13th) only.

So, as of now we can use this to focus on overall station branding and posting, and future posting campaigns later on.


Monday, March 16, 2009

From the Talk Group

To provide a brief update on the 'Talk' group - Our group is producing two shows, one which is a satire talk show (in production), and another which is Root Radio, a culture centered talk show. The first episode of Root Radio is on the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal and has gotten over 557 hits since Friday, and the satire show will soon be available.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Everybody! Listen to this by Gregory Whitehead (and do not make boot leg copies for yourself and your friends).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

NEW CLASSROOM 3/13!!! and other important infos


Tomorrow (Friday, March 13) we will be meeting in a new location:
it's at 6 East 16th Street, right off of Fifth Avenue. Room is 1009, (might say D-1009). 3pm as usual.

If you haven't been to this New School building before, try and arrive a touch early to get your bearings. We'll be in a larger space so you can stretch out your legs, hopefully grab a seat, and enjoy the class.

We have slated for tomorrow:
1) SHORT GROUP MEETS, quick reports from each thereafter to update the rest of the class on what they are working on, deadlines, goals, etc.? This will help both Web and Marketing with their work. (<15min).

Web will present a functional version of the new website and be looking for feedback from the rest of the class so they can spend the next two weeks fine-tuning functionality and working on a front end visual design for the launch (3/27!).

Marketing will present a revised plan/schedule/strategy for the rest of the semester and present what they have been working on so far...and of course, look for feedback from the class.

4) DISCUSSION OF... AND PLAYBACK FROM CULTURAL / FEATURES works and works in progress. PLEASE BRING PROJECTS you're working on or have just finished if you are in this team. Sarah and I will also have some examples for you, and we may call upon some work already published on We will have CD and computer audio and I will also be bringing mobile Pro Tools if your project is in this domain.

5) PRODUCTION -- if you're not in news, you should be spending the rest of the class meeting with people you're teaming up with to produce work. NEWS, as usual, will be dismissed to record another newscast back in 821 (please correct me if I'm wrong)

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.


NewSchool Music Coverage

Hey Y'all,
So we're coming up on spring break and a few of you have already submitted your first draft of shows and what not... yea! There will inevitably be some more free time, and so I have a project that is ready to make headway.

Adam Zucker is a former New School student that has requested coverage, and it'd be cool to oblige. His music is essentially soft indie-folk, and Zucker with a low-register voice has a nice story telling quality to his lyrics. Here's a little blurb:

Zucker's tracks "A Soldier's Lullaby," the set-opener "Going Home," "Chasing Tomorrow" (our personal fave) and "Summer Sky" are perfect adult-alternative cuts with striking instrumental interplay and staggered layers softened in passion and production. Each tune is like a beach stone, tumbled on the lake floor before washing on the shore. Take note: Jacob Bergson from the [Cleveland Jazz Project] plays organ on three of the disc's tracks. Good stuff from this Zucker cat; an auspicious debut." –Peter Chakerian, Cool Cleveland

Here are some links to his stuff:

I believe all his tracks can be listened to. Either way, I have the cd and am staying in contact with him, SO if anyone doesn't have a full plate and would like to help get some of these requests off the ground, let me know! It'd be nice to integrate him into a playlist, but it'd be wonderful to do a feature with a possible interview as well.

?? Also, anyone going to SXSW in Austin? It'd be the shit to get some audio and interviews there! Think about it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

WNSR News Stories

WNSR News and other staffers:
These events would be good to cover for our newscasts. Let me know if you are able to cover.

1. Lecture on world economy by Dr. Deepak Nayyar, Distinguished University Professor of Economics. Thursday March 12 from 8 to 10 pm 6 East 16th Street Rm 906/913. Sponsored by New School for Social Research.

2. Finalists for awards for the finest books published in English will read from their works on Wednesday, March 11th from 6 pm to 10 pm. Presented by the National Book Critics Circle. Among the readers will be faculty members from New School MFA program and from Lang. Tishman Auditorium, Alvin Johnson/Kaplan Hall 66 West 12th Street.

Thanks. Jeff Weiser

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Newscasts: Wednesday, March 11th 4-5:30 PM

Dear newsgroup and radio lab students,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. This is a reminder that due to our field trip to WNYC last Friday, we need to record two newscasts on Wednesday, March 11th in the classroom/studio space. Please send all new stories to no later than Wednesday at 1PM. Although stories specifically regarding the New School are preferred, please feel free to submit any news stories that you feel are interesting or under reported in the mainstream media. If you need help with editing, formatting, or have any questions please contact Angela Velicky or myself at Please note that everyone in the radio lab is required to participate by contributing at least one news story to the newsgroup before the end of the semester.

Best Regards,
Will Bradford, Co-Deputy News Director

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Catastrophe Slam -- check it

Fellow WNSR classmates, Hey if you're on campus at all this weekend, mos def go by the Aronson Gallery and check out what's happening with the Catastrophe Slam. I've witnessed some really thoughtful and provocative movements and heard some amazing speeches since the colloquium kicked off Friday evening. Check out the coverage and WNSR tags created in class which have been posted already: (woo-hoo and it's even downloadable! Tell your friends!!!)

Nevin Cohen's presentation has basically convinced me to go back to vegetarianism:

Seriously, if you need ideas for interviews, or need some artsy type audio this event is an asset.

Finally, I've been meaning to post on this for ages -- is there any way for us to get WNSR T-shirts?? Someone brought this up in class and I think it's an excellent way for us to have visibility on and off campus. Plus - WNSR pride, dudes! I still have my KAMP t-shirt from my undergrad years. It's worn and faded, but I still treasure that thing and wear it frequently with pride. Cheers.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chelsea Piers

The Office of Recreation and Intramural Sports is hosting an event tonight (3/6) at Chelsea Piers from 7 - 9 PM. New School students will have free use of the batting cages and rock climbing wall.

I've been to this event several times last semester, and it usually has a turn out of about 20-40 students. The event could be a good opportunity for someone to bring a recorder and get some sound bytes for a features piece, with easy interview opportunities while people are waiting for their turn in the cage or to climb up the wall. Or, if you are just looking for a way to wind down from a long week, it's also a pretty fun time. Unfortunately, I'll be working at OSDA and thus unable to attend myself, but give me a call if you have any questions about the event or need directions to Chelsea Piers. 302-228-9916.

Don't forget your New School ID. 


Dear classes:
This Friday (3/6)'s plan is as follows:


Arrival time: 3:15

Venue: WNYC Radio

Address: 160 Varick St., cr. of Varick and Charlton, 8th Floor

Directions: 1 train to Houston, south end of train, lets you out at Houston and King, walk two blocks to Houston and Charlton. Entrance is large glass doors on Varick just down from the corner, which is plastered with signs that say WNYC Listen Now. Guards may ask for ID; Take the right hand elevators at the back to the 8th floor; wait in reception and I will come and get you. In case of emergencies, my number is 646 829 4137, or ext. 4137 when you are in the building.

If you are for any reason taking a taxi, driver should take 7th down town, it turns into Varick at around christoper street, then directions are as above.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL THAT YOU MAKE IT ON TIME, A STAFF MEMBER WITH A DEADLINE IS GIVING US A PRESENTATION AT 3:30, and I do not have a cell phone. If Donna would like to provide one you can ring that if unavoidably delayed. Donna's cell: 718 755 3600

B) ALL OTHER [PROGRAMMING] TEAMS INCLUDING MUSIC, CULTURE/FEATURES + TALK will meet at the regular location in room 821. ENGINEERS, please also report to 821at 55 West 13th. We will be asking you to help (and learn!) with the Pro Tools workshop.
CULTURAL / FEATURES TEAM WILL NOT BE GOING TO WNYC THIS WEEK and will instead be joining the 3/27 visit.

I will allow a brief 15 minutes for you to discuss any team efforts or work that demands attention, then we will have a brief go-around from each group of the goals you've set and the timetables you've set -- or, for example, with features, what's been accomplished thus far.

To follow: PRO TOOLS sessions in labs 806 and 803. We'll discuss simple editing and sequence development in one room, the other will be more of a workshop / Q&A for those who are already advanced enough. PLEASE COME WITH QUESTIONS YOU'D LIKE ANSWERED! HOW DO I DO _____________________ is a GOOD QUESTION!

One Pro Tools exercise we can work on will be creating show promos. If any of you have a promo for your program already written, or can work on a script tonight, please bring:
- your script
- any other materials you might want to use (music, sound)

we may record it and use these for editing exercises and end up with a useful finished product!

Please also bring any works in progress for playback, critique, and editing help.

Culture / Features personnel working on coverage of the Catastrophe Slam will be permitted to check out around 4/4:30pm.

We STILL need some roving reporters for this during the weekend, 24 hrs starting 10am on Saturday. Anyone interested in this, please reply to Jim.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Jim, Sarah, Donna, Jane

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cool representation

Hey everybody - Kaitlin here.
Just wanted to let the groups know that there's going to be a letter out to all alumni of the school about the progress the radio is making thus far. It's being put out by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Letting these guys know could let in some new listenership, so keep up the awesome work!

The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause


Where and when is the dress rehearsal for the dramatic reenactment of a sinking ship for Catastrophe Slam taking place? 

Thank You,


Monday, March 2, 2009

so, I'm not sure where to go with this.

First of all, my draft for the first Three Fu<{in' Minutes (my amazing, new, biweekly show) is together and desperate for ears. It is, not surprisingly, about three minutes long so, if you're bored and want to scrunch your face up in confusion for a very short time, let me know and I'll email you the MP3. 

Secondly, I am working on a larger-scale, semi-improvised, theatrical audio piece. It may become an episode of 3 Fuquing Min., though it may be more than three minutes long. In the long run, however, a friend and I are planning to make a film out, adding the visual aspects to the already beautiful audio piece. 
It is, of course, totally clumsy and experimental so if you know anyone who might be interested in this kind of project, t/s/he/y should know ahead of time that it could be amazing, it could fall apart, and it could be mediocre. It should also be a lot of fun. I feel hesitant to ask TOO many people who are TOO serious about their Craft because this could be a waste of a few hours repaid with nothing more than the satisfaction earned through a beer, a greatful handshake, and a CD / DVD of a perhaps okay production. 
Whoa, too much paragraph. 

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Field Trip to the Movies???????????????????

SO who's in?

Hello friends,
You're getting this email because you signed up to receive information about This American Life—Live!, our stage show that will be sent live via satellite to movie theatres on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009. (Or you signed up to hear about it last year, and we figure your interests haven't changed that much).
We think the event is going to be pretty great: an actual episode of the radio show, performed onstage by some of our favorite contributors, beamed onto a movie screen near you. Dan Savage, Starlee Kine, David Rakoff, Mike Birbiglia and Dave Hill will join Ira Glass onstage. Plus visuals by Arthur Jones, and other exciting things that we're still devising.
Here's the deal. Tickets go on sale starting Friday March 6th. That's next Friday. You'll be able to buy them here.
Last year, several movie theatres sold out really quickly. Also, tickets at some theatres may not be on sale until the weekend, or maybe Monday the 9th, so check back if your favorite theater is listed but isn't selling yet.
We'll send another reminder when tickets are actually on sale, but wanted to give you this advance heads up. And please forward this email on to any of your friends who might be interested!
Take care,Your friends at TAL

Friday, February 27, 2009

Morning News Programs: Listening Assessment

I've been following, per the assignment, The Takeaway and Morning Edition for a little while now. The Takeaway is a morning-drive news program. I find this format to be somewhat alienating as I, personally, don't have anything like a morning drive during which I can listen to the program. I suppose that I could download the program regularly to my ipod but I haven't yet made that part of my morning commute-ritual (I prefer, rather, to read). The Takeaway is hosted by Adaora Udoji and John Hockenberry but Jerome Vaughn has guest hosted for Hockenberry recently. The conversational format of the show makes it seem more like commercial radio programs or AM political talk radio than public radio. It seems to encourage more punditry than the highly produced news magazine, Morning Edition. Morning Edition is, by far, my preferred format for a radio news magazine. The Takeaway's conversation tone is fine in small doses but I need my news shows to be mediated by a host and doled out in 3-8 minute segments - otherwise I risk falling into a coma.

-Nick Heling

Thursday, February 26, 2009

helpful link for recording phone calls

over at!

(some lower-tech, less costly out-of-pocket options are towards the end.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Dear classes:

This Friday 2/27, we will be meeting in our regular locations in Operations groups, instead of at WNYC as originally planned.  Some major functions are being held down at WNYC this Friday and it would be a better experience if we were able to do it over the next two weeks, split into two groups.

In the meantime, please come prepared with your group work, and please come prepared to share progress and a list of your needs as we move forward.

We also ask for the programming types to bring in discussion points on the morning show listening assigned to you, as well as your own work, as we hold an open workshop to listen and critique your own works in progress.


Dear classes:
We're offering an opportunity for you to work on scriptwriting and delivery tonight in a brief workshop.  

The session will be in room 821, our usual meeting place, at 7pm. 

Please bring paper and/or laptop copies, double spaced is great, and we'll be ready to help.  It would be most helpful for us to assist you with works-in-progress, but some examples will also be provided.

Look forward to seeing you there!
Jim & Sarah

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hi guys,

I intended to be present at this and cover it as a story myself, but now have to do a program meeting. The occupation, the struggle to remove Kerrey et. al, and all te events surrounding it is one of the most important audience draws for WNSR so far. Our most listened-to programs have all be about the occupation (with the exception of Sex, Lies & Radiowaves for obvious reasons.)

New School in Exile is holding a teach-in at the courtyard tomorrow - we MUST get newscast audio not only from NSIE, but from the students who attend, how hey feel about the occupation, their interactions with NSIE, etc. Maybe someone who has no classes on Tuesday can cover both of these stories?

New School In Exile - Occupation Teach-In

First of a series of student teach-ins on the occupation, Kerrey and the April 1 shutdown
Event Info
Time and Place
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
3:30pm - 8:00pm
12 St. Courtyard
12th St.
East New York, NY

Contact Info


Come and join the New School In Exile for our first of many planned public teach-ins on campus. The first teach-in will focus on the December occupation, the ongoing struggle to remove Kerrey and Murtha, as well as plans for the April 1 Day of Action.

News Story-Call For Coverage

WNSR News people and staff--
This would be good for our next newscast.
"In The Battlefield: Reporting on the War in Iraq"
Tuesday, February 24th 6 to 8 pm.
Lang Student Center 55 W 13th St, 2nd Flr.
Filmmaker, reporters, critics will be on hand.

Get some soundbites. We can use them in our news.

Jeff Weiser/WNSR News

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hi all:

First, my sincerest, most profuse apologies for missing you guys yesterday. I've been being worked half to death on another project outside The New School and that caused some fallout yesterday which prevented me from joining you guys.

I'm very happy with the crop of new proposals we've received in the last week, and here is a list of the new programs approved for launch & return this semester thus far:

TITLE (Producer) / Frequency / Stream

Mercury Theatre Revisited (Johnny Betz) / Bi-weekly / Features
[Untitled OSDA/Student Activities Show] (George Saad & Jenna Duncan*] / TBD / TBD
Free Food Report (Joseph Baruch Warren) / Weekly / News
Three F**kin Minutes (Joseph Baruch Warren) / Bi-weekly / Features
Root Radio (Jeremy Syrop) / Bi-weekly / NewTalk
I Get Around (Nat Brower) / Bi-weekly / DJSets
Roger Moore at 50 (Martin Lynch) / Bi-weekly / DJSets
7 Continents with Heathre Contant (Heathre Contant) / Monthly / DJSets
["Team of Mavericks" - working title] (Terik King) / Bi-weekly / NewTalk
We're Gonna Have a Real Good Time Together (Jack Daves) / TBD / Features
Pop Walks (Richard Boggs) / TBD / Features

Club 192
(Eloy Fisher) / Monthly / News (Specials)
Brooklyn Beat (Erin Sheehy) / Bi-weekly / DJSets
Ear Bleeding Country (Jim Freeman) / Bi-weekly / Features
Mannes Downtown (Eric Hanser) / Bi-weekly / NewSounds
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Carolanne Marcantonio) / TBD / DJSets

Sex, Lies & Radiowaves (Shane Manieri & Vanessa Anton) / Bi-weekly / NewTalk
Open Your Mind (Terik King) / Weekly / NewTalk
DWNTWN Sound (Reed Van Noort) / TBD / Features
Jingles' Jangles (Joe Plourde) / TBD / NewSounds
Beyond the Print (Erick Varillas) / Bi-weekly / News
Soul of New York (Chinisha Scott) / Monthly / DJSets
The Rappin' Lounge (Davon Paul) / Bi-Weekly / NewTalk

Producers of all of the abovementioned shows will receive an e-mail from me today requesting that they schedule a program meeting with me during the upcoming (2/23-3/1) week where we will (a) hash out the details of your first 1-2 episodes, (2) review the process of securing the production facilities & equipment needed to produce the show, (3) sign the program contract, (4) ascertain what additional production support (engineers/editors, producers/researchers, etc.) is required to produce the shows as planned, and (5) review the specific process for submission to WNSR once the episodes are produced. This will be the time to get all of you NON-TECHNICAL (procedural, etc.) questions answered. In advance of this meeting, I encourage everyone to think through the first show (at least) in as great detail as possible. Very little in media happens "unprogrammed," and while we always want to leave room for spontanaeity, PLANNING prevents you from running into nightmares when creating these shows. Trust me, I've learned from painful personal experience...


You will. We're aware of you...

There is still time to submit a proposal for any ideas you make have kicking around in your head. If I haven't received any new show proposals from class members, you will be approached to join the production team of one of the existing shows, new shows, or possibly one of the following shows which have NO PRODUCTION TEAMS ATTACHED yet:

NewPoets Spotlight
This show is exactly what it sounds like - a program featuring poets at The New School reading their works. There is already a pilot episode on the site. The poets read their work in our studios and we add the "audience" sonically afterward.

NewJazz Profiles
Another obvious show concept -- a program in the spirit of NPR's Jazz Profiles (
that features New School for Jazz & Contemporary Music students playing their music and interviews about their lives, their approach to music, goals, etc.

The NSSR Philosophy Project [working title]
There is a vast array of existing audio recordings lectures on Philosophy that Cambra is taking the lead on digitizing and creating a program around. The format is under development -- we're looking for wars to create radio programs out of archival materials with this one.

The Booth [working title]
Ideally this will be a weekly show where a traveling booth containing a portable digital recorder visits various locations around the New School campus (including Drama, Mannes, and other "off-site" New School locations) with a "question of the week" that we ask students to answer, and the show will feature the most interesting, entertaining, unique and fun-to-hear responses. This show will require a lead producer, 1-3 additional producers and someone with ProTools editing expertise. (Oh yeah, if you know how to BUILD a booth that's easily assembled and disassembled, you'd rock our world!)

If you are specifically interested in working on one of these, please let me know at

Any questions, let me know!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hey Y'all,

Kind of late notice, but I've been having blog troubles. Tonight! There is the Carribean Carnival Coffeehouse Cabaret 2/19/2009 6:30 p.m.Wollman Hall, 65 West 11th St. 5th Fl. Here is a short description of the event:

"Come join us for a Carnival ride at Lang! This Thursday after a shorter than normal Coffeehouse Cabaret roster of Lang performers we will have the traditional Haitian band DJARARA perform, and invite students to participate in a traditional carnival “Rara” procession. Rara comes out of both the vodou and social protest traditions and was used during the original slave revolt that won Haitian independence in 1804. DJARARA is a group of young and cultural activists keeping the tradition of rara alive in the diaspora. DJARARA will perform some traditional rara songs themselves, and explain the basic rhythms and ‘spirit’ of rara. Then, in keeping with rara’s improvised and participatory roots, they will teach a song and invite students to grab a percussion instrument and join in a spontaneous procession around the hall – bringing the visceral experience of carnival to life! Come to watch, participate, play, and jam!

Free performances, food and band.Performers in the Caribbean Coffeehouse Cabaret include: Jeffrei Londono, Nadia Mathys, Yuki Fukui, Grace Sanford, Emily Skillings, Jill Hervey, Briana Lopes, Julia Sedlis, Kandace Syer, Robert Sanabria and DJARARA!
Please join us with friends, the entire New School Community is welcome."

- Eric Jackson Bradley

** Does anyone want to cover the event? I might be able to after work, but I'm also supposed to be at the NS Free Press closing tonight, editing the paper. You would have to rent in-house equipment out, but I was thinking that recording the performances & spoken word, mixed with short interviews, would provide for a nice feature. If you can... Go for it! Call or email if you need any info.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pro Tools session tonight cancelled

Dear class and WNSR personnel:
I have to cancel tonight's Pro Tools session due to an occasion of great joy: the birth of my daughter, Annea Rose Berggren-Briggs, this past Saturday night! Please keep a lookout on the blog for updates from me and engineering regarding forthcoming opportunities for Pro Tools and other audio/tech workshops.

Also, we are in the process of instituting regular WNSR engineer availability in the open labs, where you will be able to seek help from one of our engineers at regular times on the eighth floor. Again, this will be posted to the blog shortly.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Coachella Music Festival 2009

Hello all!

For this week we had the assignment of coming up with an interview and a proposal of a show/feature etc. so I'd like to share with you all my proposal which is basically centered on the Coachella Music Festival.
As many of you may already know, Coachella takes place every year in Indio California (which makes it an even more en enjoyable experience due to the great weather) and many leading bands/singers perform within three days.
So having said that, the following is a VERY rough copy/sketch of what we could do with it. If anyone is interested let me know and we can team up.

The initial idea was to include it in features or news, but we could also make a special edition programme.
So here it is...

Coachella Music Festival 2009

I would like to either do a feature, news or program (or all?) on the Coachella Music festival which takes place the 17, 18 and 19th of April and where major bands perform every year. It would be a special on the Festival itself, divided in two main parts: its history and this years’ performers. Maybe this could turn into a special edition program where some (or all) of the bands who perform this year would be played and talked about. It would be a classic format that would more or less look like this:

a. Hosts present show, introduction etc. In the background we would always hear music by 2009 Coachella’s performers.
b. Presentation of 3 songs and bands (again, all 2009 Coachella’s performers) with some facts about them
c. 3 songs play
d. Presentation of another 3 songs and bands with some facts on them.

And so on…

This is just a first thought that should obviously be discussed with the team in further detail.

I will be going myself so I could get pictures and interviews from fans. It is also a great opportunity to promote WNSR Nationwide! I was thinking on distributing promotional material about WNSR although I think we have to get some kind of permission first. If proposal accepted, I’ll get into it!

That’s it for now!

Mariana G

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get on here but here's a little bit about myself. I am a second-semester senior at Lang in Media Studies and a first-year GS student in Media Studies. I am very interested in viral marketing and how it relates to music. I am also and actor and write my own comedy and would be very interested in getting my work on a WNSR feature at some point. You can find me in the promotions/branding group!

So the two programs I tuned into were a WNYC feature called "Appetite for Self-Destruction" focusing on the decline of the record industry. The other feature was Sarah Montague's True Blood feature. Both used music and sound interspersed with talk to make the experience more engaging. I would like to work on a piece like that as well.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sorry about missing today...

I would love to be filled in on anything from the training this evening. I had a bit of a crisis at work and stayed late.

How'd it go?


New Program proposals

WNSR students:
If your production efforts are going to center on a regular program, we ask that you fill out the following form and email it to newschoolradio at

The form resides here.  It's a MS-Word document.

Not only is it helpful for our programming department, but it's also a really good exercise for you as you forge your plans and try to set some production goals.

Good luck!

- JB

Lower Manhattan Project Interview

I heard back from this Lower Manhattan Project, which is a new organization within the New School. I'm not really sure what it does. It's supposed to have something to do w/ environmentalism and security. Well, I wanted to interview them to get a better idea of what they were doing. I'm going to do a short piece for the news; however, the person that I talked to suggested doing a more long term project... of interviewing environmental people... he didn't go into much detail. Anyway, if there is someone out there who is interested in environmentalism and/or needs a project to work on... 


Hi. My name is Kaija, I'm a senior at Lang and will graduate with a really great and practical degree in Cultural Studies and Theater that will make me lots of money. I've done commercial voice over work in the past and am excited to be work with radio in a more creative sphere. I love Jonny's pitch for the Mercury Theater Revisited. It's a lost art that I would love to be involved with the resurrection of. I am also very excited to learn about the production end of things and would offer help where needed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hi all,

This was in the Weekly Observer this week and could be great for either a short form news or longer feature-type piece:

We'd really like to get the Drama division more involved this semester. (So close! So much talent!) They'd like the coverage, too -- we've just had some trouble getting on the same page thus far. I encourage anyone who'd like to get their feet wet in production to grab some gear and cover this festival!

Mercury Theatre Revisited

NAME: Jonny Betz




HOST(S): Someone experienced

GENRE: Feature

LENGTH: 1 hour




MERCURY THEATRE REVISITED is a weekly feature that celebrates the tradition of on-air storytelling.  Members within the New School community will have their stories presented by a small cast and be followed by an interview of the author.  Amidst the popularity of television, this program would promote the potential of radio as being a source of non-music based entertainment. 


In the span of 1 hour, MERCURY THEATRE REVISITED will present one stories, written and edited by New School students and faculty.  Inspired by Orson Welle’s MERCURY THEATRE, we are dedicated to enthralling and capturing the minds of our listener through the medium of radio.  The program will bring drama, mystery, suspense, comedy, and science fiction/fantasy specifically written for the radio or student adaptations of classic stories, restructured as radio-ready narrative. A small and consistent cast of six actors plus a host will present the stories.  This simple casting arrangement allows the listener to get to become familiar with the recurrent cast and at the same time give breadth for the listener’s own imagination of the characters and their interactions within the story.  With the accompaniment of music and live sound effects, MERCURY THEATRE REVISITED will offer an authentic audio-sensory experience.  Following the story the author will be interviewed, elaborating on the writing-process and inspirations of the story, as well as further insight on the author their self.

NEW MERCURY THEATRE will invite you to the subtler worlds outside the visual realm and the deeper galaxies of the imagination.


:00 Opening theme (written by NS student)

:30 Introduction of story and author

2:00 Story

27:00 Intermission/Introduce cast

30:00 Story

45:00 Author Interview

55:00 Closing and upcoming features

59:30 Closing theme


NEW MERCURY THEATRE is a program aimed for students and faculty within the New School Community.  Though we hope to reach a broader fan base by affiliating with public radio programs not only to promote the program but the works of the author’s.


·      One or two Engineers to record show and prerecord music track

·      6 voice actors (three male and three female) to perform stories weekly

·      A host to introduce stories and interview author

·      A music composer to write short pieces for each show (this roster is rotational)

·      One “props” master to perform live sound effects on the set

Greetings fellow Earthlings

Hi, it's Jenna. I'm a first-year Media Studies MA student. The reason I added WNSR Radio Lab is because I had such a great time doing student radio as an undergrad (At Univ. of Arizona, check out KAMP Student Radio --

I have tons of ideas for producing short features segments, running around to concerts and getting rock stars to give us station IDs, as well as ideas on how to get the word out about WNSR.

Also, I used to be a Music Director, so I know all about reporting charts and calling up college promotions people at radio stations to send us music and giveaway items(oh boy, I sure wish we were streaming -- so much can happen in real-time, it really gets my adrenaline pumping! Maybe that's something we can work on putting together this semester?).

Well, those are my hopes & aspirations for working with you at WNSR. I also hope to become a ProTools master. If anyone has tips on how to record with the Media Studies audio recording kits, please send them my way -- I am very green when it comes to production.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hello Blog,

My name is Hethre Contant. This is my first semester as a grad in the Media Studies program, but I went to Lang from 2003 to 2007. I am officially Sarah's Teacher Assistant. So, if you are a Lang student and need something, anything, talk to me. 

I want to make radio now, and get a job in radio when I grow up. I like features and non-dj-sets more than anything. However, i did come up with a DJ set that I will be producing soon for the station called, "Seven Continents with Hethre Contant: It's not world music, It's music ... from the world." 

My expertise is in field-recording and mixing things up on protools. I'm not as good at studio recording, but I plan to remedy that this semester. Thanks Joe! I'd also like to conduct a "Sound Walk," which is something that John Cage invented, so that those who are not field-recorders can become field recorders. Then we can do an intro-to-protools to make a feature out of it.

Also, I would love to be your extra set of ears on whatever you are working on. However, I require this one caveat: that you must also be an extra set of ears on whatever I'm working on. 

This is my favorite radio show, but they've been unnaturally silent for a while now. Good thing it's a Podcast!

To the Features People: I have about a ton of old features from Sarah's classes, which I will begin to post to the station. Expect maybe 2 every week. 



 Hi I'm Jonny Betz,

I joined WNSR to learn about sound production, something of great interest to me.  Though a Lang student I am also a musician, studying bass and playing in my country the Whiskey Crusaders (show at National Underground, Valentine's Day!), so learning engineering would be something not only of interest, but a practical learning experience.  My parents listen exclusively to NPR so, If I am able to survive the creepy drawl of Jonathan Schwartz I find myself enjoying programs such as David Garland's Evening Music, American Roots, and Prairie Home Companion.  I think something like Prairie Home Companion or on-air storytelling like the Mercury Theatre on WNSR.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Obama's Informal Appearance

Cambra aka camdiggidy,

In the radio lab you seemed eager to criticize President Obama for not wearing a suit jacket in the Oval office. I wanted to send you pictures of former presidents who were photographed in the Oval Office without the formal attire that you mentioned. Even Ronald Reagan, that lionized saint of the Republican pantheon, was photographed without suit jacket OR tie. These pictures are not just on Arianna's (a name you repeated with derision) Huffington Post... they are everywhere on the Internet.

An interesting question is, why are the mainstream media repeating this story everywhere, to the point where people like you are parroting it without any knowledge of what was actually done in the past by both Republicans and Democrats alike? Are we to blindly accept the intimation that somehow President Obama doesn't have class or respect for the Oval Office by not wearing a suit jacket? If so, then other Presidents are guilty of the same thing.

It's ridiculous and petty, especially considering the very real issues the country is facing. Criticism of President Obama for legitimate reasons is a duty of the media, (his policies, issues with the war and health care etc.) but if we're talking about what he's wearing, and suggesting that it breaks from tradition or is without proper respect when past examples of the same thing exist, one has to question the motives behind it. Those of us in the media should be able to spend a few minutes investigating with a quick Google search before repeating these things. The reason I'm writing this letter to you is because after leaving the group I became more dismayed by the exchange we had, considering journalistic integrity is the tradition that seems to be truly in danger in the United States, not some dress code.

I hope you don't mind my forwarding this to the rest of the group, in the interest of keeping things straight. People should know the whole truth.



Hello fellow radio people, my name is Martin Lynch. I am a second-semester junior at Eugene Lang, studying film making and fiction writing. Before returning to Lang (I began here in 2006) I attended UMass Amherst and NYU, where I became involved at both school's radio stations, WMUA and WNYU respectively. Most recently, I DJ'd a show at WNYU called "A Sunflower the Color of his Hair", exploring Latin American psychedelic, folk and prog rock from the '70's. If you are interested in hearing some of the stuff I played, archives of my shows are up, along with playlists, on (search under archives ---> "A Sunflower the Color of his Hair", etc.).

In training at the radio stations, I discovered I was really interested in mixing medias while programming, i.e. sampling found sounds over and beneath and alongside music I was playing. Since I began this about a year ago at WMUA, I have picked up making mixes and experimenting with this "collage-type" sampling. I am going to start posting some of my more recent mixes on my blog - - sometime soon - these mixes range from '70's and '80's r'n'b, funk and quiet storm, to psychedelic, folk and electronic from latin america and europe, and beyond. I think my interest in radio, and in DJ'ing, has been been inspired much in the same way my interest in filmmaking was originally inspired - the opportunity to edit one's presentation, whether audio programming or video or film programming, is really fascinating to me, to be equipped with the tools to affect a listener or a viewer in a profound way - a total stranger, yet, it is possible to make something that affects them emotionally, that moves them, that they have themselves, possibly, been trying to articulate.

I would like to continue with my DJ'ing at WNSR and host a program. Also, I would like to organize a live event "sponsored" by our station, not a "coffeehouse" or "cabaret" but probably not a "battle of the bands" either. I think it would be interesting to host an event, one hopefully that we could maniacally advertise and promote weeks in advance, where we could showcase some of the work, whether audio, video, or any other medium of media, I guess, by some of the people at our station. I think this would be a good way to get word out about the station - a blog, flyers, and word of mouth is good - but a creative, maybe even an unusual event, with audio and video installations, maybe we could cook food, etc. - this might be the kind of thing, if we could drag enough people there from the university, would really grab their attention and help to spread the word. I'd love to brainstorm about doing something like this with others who might be interested. And maybe it would be possible to host it outside of the new school, at someone's apartment if one of us was willing to lend our space for a few hours to host it - I don't mean to get ahead of myself but wanted to share these ideas with you. Besides programming and getting involved in planning WNSR-related events, I am also interested in working as a Music Director or Programming Director at the station, or assistant MD or assistant PD, etc.

And before you go, enjoy this -

Look forward to working with you guys,


Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello all

Hi. I'm Josh. I am in my second semester of my junior year at Lang and I am majoring in psychology. I have very limited experience in radio (read none), but am becoming very interested in sound production. I would like to contribute to WNSR as an engineer. I am currently in a band with Joe Plourde. We've done some recording in the New School studio and it sparked a bit of an interest. I would like to produce live music for radio, but I am also interested in talk radio. Basically, I want to learn how to make sound, any sound, sound good. So, if anyone needs help with producing a project this semester, please let me know if I might be some assistance. It might take a little while for me to get a hang of things, but I'm willing to give it my all.

-Josh Rosenberg

What's Up, it's Davon "Epidemk" Paul

Hey Wassup,

How are you doing on this fine day of continuing to achieve your obligations? I am a confident and motivate entrepreneur with an decent background of design and web programming skills. I have been coding since the 5th grade, and have an extensive knowledge of on and offline marketing. I am a design and technology student at Parsons, and out side of school I run an corporation named Rappin Lounge, Inc. Recently we have added media group to it. I have a show along with Barbara and Payton called Rappin Lounge, to keep a consistent promo going for my company and the artist that I manage. Rappin Lounge founded by me provides film, audio production, marketing, management, and we also act as a label. With all the services provided I have a certain knowledge within each area to accomplish them efficiently. My goal this term in the class is build a website that is maintainable and sufficient site.

Type of music I listen to, well that is a wide variety of music. I listen to anything that sounds good. favorite type of genre if I had to choose would be between reggae and rap. When I turn on the radio you can find me listening to Hot97, Power 105.1, or Z100.

Any questions feel free to ask them.

Hey it's Z~

Hey guys I'm Zeynep but a lot of people prefer to call me Z since it's pretty much impossible to pronounce my name correctly. Anyway I'm a Sophomore in CD department and I'm trying to focus on a field where I can combine Sound and visual. I guess I'm going to end up working for the film industry or the music industry. Hmm, other than that I have a company with my brother back in my hometown. We are specializing in 3D technology and outer lighting for companies. So if anyone needs help about stuff like that I'll be happy to help. And one last thing, I'm not really experienced with the Radio, in technical means, so I'll appreciate if you guys help me out. :) Nice meeting you all..

~ Z

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Student Activities Radio Show

I've had a good time reading everyone's intros, browsing the WNSR website, and getting an idea of what this is all about. I guess it's time to let you all know who I am and talk about the news program that I want to get going.

I'm George. I work for The New School in the OSDA (Office of Student Development & Activities). Our office is responsible for coordinating and financing the functions of student organizations, setting up volunteer events and trips, recruiting orientation leaders, distributing free or discounted products and services to students, and much more. Up until this semester, our office was also responsible for setting up free recreation classes (like yoga, salsa, and capoiera), intramural sports (soccer this semester) and recreation trips (like the free Chelsea Piers trip on February 13th or the $50 per person ski/snowboarding trip on February 28th). Starting this semester, however, those duties have been handed to the newly created Office of Recreation and Intramural sports, whom we are working with closely during the transition.

My role at the OSDA includes managing the office's e-mail account ( and preparing and distributing a newsletter that outlines upcoming activities (both within the University and in NYC as a whole) for the 2,500+ students that are subscribed to our mailing list. My goal at WNSR involves creating a News Program that would basically discuss the upcoming events, build interest in them, and hopefully increase student involvement. For example, one event that our office is pushing hard is the upcoming Vagina Monologues event. I think it would be cool to interview someone performing in the event and have them explain what Vagina Monologues is all about. I think this could be way more effective at getting people to come than anything I could include in the emailed newsletter.

In last week's Stu Dev, I included a section about getting free tickets to being in the test audience for Jimmy Fallon's new late night show. This is an example of a non-university event that our office pushes. I've talked to Jimmy Fallon's audience coordinator about trying to get Jimmy for an interview on WNSR. I know it's a long shot but I figured it was worth trying. The audience coordinator was nice about it and put me in touch with some muckety-mucks that could make it happen (the question is will they?) I'm not terribly optimistic but I'm trying!

Anyway, if you are interested in talking about this project and possibly getting involved with it, email me at . If you want to subscribe to Stu Dev and get the weekly emails, send an email to me at with "add me" in the subject. I look forward to working with the news team on this project, and other projects, and I hope to hear from some of you guys soon!

Bonjour! I am Andrea!

Hello! My name is Andrea Fischbach and I am currently a junior at Lang...I think. I transferred to Lang to be an Arts in Context major with a focus in Visual Arts from Parsons, where I was formerly a Fashion Design major. I hope to work in the journalism industry when I graduate and really want to be able to understand all areas of journalism, whether it is print, television or radio to be as well rounded in the field as possible. In addition, I love music and love everything associated with it so helping out in the music department would be no problem with me. I have no previous experience with radio (I'm a fast learner, trust me) but I hope to learn all about it this semester to help me with any future endeavor that might pop up associated with the radio. See everyone tomorrow!

Introuction Part II and Help

Hi again,
I forgot to post some of the links. I like mostly listening to music so some of the programs I enjoyed the most were DJ sets like Maschinen 2 and Maschinen 1

By the way, has anyone had any problems downloading the reading for tomorrow? I don't seem to able to download the pdf. If anyone has I'd really appreciate it if they could sent it to !


Mariana G

Marcus Gealy says hello

Marcus Gealy here. I'm a second-semester freshman at Lang who majors in writing. I hoping to be involved in a talk program concerned with geek culture, specifically comic books. Some podcasts I enjoy are Jordan Jesse Go!, You Look Nice Today, iFanboy, Comic Geek Speak, Never Not Funny, The Sound of Young America and Stop Podcasting Yourself.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Passport radio almost mine, coming to you live..."

Hi everyone!

I'm Erin Sullivan and I'm in my second semester of the Media Studies M.A. program. I'm originally from Rochester, NY and I went to school at the University of Vermont where I received a double major in English and Film & Television Studies. 

While in college, I was involved with my school's radio station, WRUV, for about 3 years. I was a DJ and had a weekly radio show that was a mix of indie rock and electronic music. I was also Music Director at the station and I was responsible for maintaining contact with record labels and promoters, submitting station play charts, and reviewing new music. I can safely say that it was the best job I've had, with perks that included free merchandise from bands, concert tickets, and trips to both CMJ and SXSW. Sadly, I've left that behind for now. 

I'm excited for this class because I miss being involved in a radio station so much and I hope that I can use my previous experience to help with the operations of WNSR. I would absolutely love to pursue a career in radio or somewhere in the music industry, but for now I have sold my soul to work in advertising. Well, it is radio advertising, so it's kind of related I suppose. Or that is what I'm telling myself anyway.

Hi all~

Hello. My name is Grace Park, first year graduate student in the Design and Technology department at Parsons. My field of focus is in animation and web design. I worked as a editorial graphic designer for 4 years before coming to school, so I have some exposure to the media. I love typography and good visual layout which brought me to join the web design team for New School Radio. I'm excited about the great works we'll be making this semester. Let's get it rollin~.

hay, its me!

HI! I'm Lauren Pishna, a last semester senior at Lang. I am a Cultural and Media studies major with a concentration in Media Histories and Popular Culture. I've never taken a class centered around the radio. I took this class because I have always loved music, and would love to immerse myself in it. I currently intern at a small record label, and hope to use the things I have learned from there during class somehow.  Also, throughout my time at school, I have studied and took interest in a number of types of media sources and would love to incorporate my certain interests in the cultural world onto the radio. 
Once I graduate from Lang, I hope to find a job- any job, really. Look forward to the class!

Getting to know Will Bradford...

Hello Everyone,

My name is Will Bradford and I'm originally from Detroit, Michigan. My first experience away from home was service in the United States Army, where I was stationed in Kosovo as a radio and telephone specialist. The experience was transformative in that it allowed me to travel around the world and become exposed to various cultures. After completing my military service, I enrolled at Marymount Manhattan College where I studied Sociology and the Media. My undergraduate education at Marymount led to several rewarding internship opportunities such as with The Bronx Defenders, AOL Music, and Save the Children in Uganda.

Increasingly nurturing an interest in media, I decided to apply to the Media Management program at the New School where I have continued learning about how the Internet is revolutionizing the way media companies do business. The program has also allowed me to continue building technical skills in photography and other forms of multimedia such as audio and video.

I'm interested in progressive news and talk radio and some of my favorite programs are:

1. Amy Goodman: The War and Peace Report

2. Thom Hartmann Program

3. The Rachel Maddow Show

4. GRIT TV with Laura Flanders

5. The Stephanie Miller Show

6. Mike Malloy: Speaking Truth to Power

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hi everyone!

My name is Elise and I'm a 2nd semester senior at Eugene Lang. I was in the WNSR class in spring 2008 when we launched the website and after a scheduling conflict last semester am back, if only for my final semester at Lang. I pretty much listen to the radio 24/7 when I'm in my dorm room, mostly KROCK, which is why I am interning there this semester. It's mostly answering phones and making lists, but its a foot in the door and a good one at that (its CBS!). Anyway, spring 2008 I had a show that never made it on the air called "Introducing..." in which I played music from bands people may not have heard of and gave them a little introduction. In retrospect, it wasn't that good and I am not sure I really want to do that again unless a better format can be given to it. I would like to work on a live music show or the one that is already on the air because I love live music, it is the reason I am writing my senior work paper on it. Really, I love music in general and want to do something in that field; radio, writing or playing. I realize that my tastes might be a bit on the commercial side even though I do listen to bands no one has heard of and am always looking for something new. For the class, I would like to do music programming and have a hand in what makes it on the air. I look forward to working with everyone this semester!

Here are a few radio programs that I have listened to in the past week:
All Songs Considered: 2/2/2009 and 11/2/2006
-I wanted to listen to a music show that had something that I would be interested in and the show seems pretty eclectic. I chose to listen to the second show because Weird Al is hilarious.
Jingles Jangles on WNSR: Killer Bob
- Actually, I think I've listened to all of them or most of them at some point. This one had good music, many sound like noise bands, still a good show. As I said, I would like to potentially work on a live show if possible.
The updates on the occupation at the GF: Day 2
- It really doesn't matter which day I put up. This is how I got my information about the occupation. I just needed to say again that I was ecstatic to see WNSR working so fast to get information out.
