Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The New Campus: a partnership

Hello again!

As mentioned in class on Friday, I recently met with the folks over at The New Campus to talk about cross-promotion possibilities. The first and most exciting news that I have is that they have already established a location on their updated site for a button that links to WNSR! They are planning on launching the update next week, so we should be able to find our link up on their site on or around November 11th (a week from today). We will be reciprocating in kind soon. Karl (Mendonca, the professor and Media Studies alum!) also mentioned the possibility of throwing a playlist generator like up on their site which could link to some of our DJ sets, or perhaps occasionally News, or some topical Features. This may be longer in the works, but is a possibility nonetheless.

Also exciting is the fact that they are planning an event on campus for December 11th and have invited us to participate, making it a kind of double-whammy super-event! I think this would be fantastic, considering we weren't able to pull off something for Election Week. Anyone who would like to be involved in helping to plan this should let me or Dennie know so we can get the ball rolling. Right now we're still looking at venues--they envision a kind of "progressive" event scenario, with different student media diffusing in different spaces.

Karl also mentioned the possibility of some live DJ sets at the event, which I know was something that had been discussed in our initial planning. Anyone who'd like to get involved here, again, let us know.

Finally, we'd like WNSR to produce a short news piece and longer feature piece on The New Campus and the classes based around it. We really need your help on this one! Anyone who would like to help interview, record, edit, narrate, or otherwise be involved, PLEASE let us know ASAP!

Questions? Comments? Let me know. Thanks!

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