Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hello fellow radio people, my name is Martin Lynch. I am a second-semester junior at Eugene Lang, studying film making and fiction writing. Before returning to Lang (I began here in 2006) I attended UMass Amherst and NYU, where I became involved at both school's radio stations, WMUA and WNYU respectively. Most recently, I DJ'd a show at WNYU called "A Sunflower the Color of his Hair", exploring Latin American psychedelic, folk and prog rock from the '70's. If you are interested in hearing some of the stuff I played, archives of my shows are up, along with playlists, on (search under archives ---> "A Sunflower the Color of his Hair", etc.).

In training at the radio stations, I discovered I was really interested in mixing medias while programming, i.e. sampling found sounds over and beneath and alongside music I was playing. Since I began this about a year ago at WMUA, I have picked up making mixes and experimenting with this "collage-type" sampling. I am going to start posting some of my more recent mixes on my blog - - sometime soon - these mixes range from '70's and '80's r'n'b, funk and quiet storm, to psychedelic, folk and electronic from latin america and europe, and beyond. I think my interest in radio, and in DJ'ing, has been been inspired much in the same way my interest in filmmaking was originally inspired - the opportunity to edit one's presentation, whether audio programming or video or film programming, is really fascinating to me, to be equipped with the tools to affect a listener or a viewer in a profound way - a total stranger, yet, it is possible to make something that affects them emotionally, that moves them, that they have themselves, possibly, been trying to articulate.

I would like to continue with my DJ'ing at WNSR and host a program. Also, I would like to organize a live event "sponsored" by our station, not a "coffeehouse" or "cabaret" but probably not a "battle of the bands" either. I think it would be interesting to host an event, one hopefully that we could maniacally advertise and promote weeks in advance, where we could showcase some of the work, whether audio, video, or any other medium of media, I guess, by some of the people at our station. I think this would be a good way to get word out about the station - a blog, flyers, and word of mouth is good - but a creative, maybe even an unusual event, with audio and video installations, maybe we could cook food, etc. - this might be the kind of thing, if we could drag enough people there from the university, would really grab their attention and help to spread the word. I'd love to brainstorm about doing something like this with others who might be interested. And maybe it would be possible to host it outside of the new school, at someone's apartment if one of us was willing to lend our space for a few hours to host it - I don't mean to get ahead of myself but wanted to share these ideas with you. Besides programming and getting involved in planning WNSR-related events, I am also interested in working as a Music Director or Programming Director at the station, or assistant MD or assistant PD, etc.

And before you go, enjoy this -

Look forward to working with you guys,


1 comment:

hethre said...

yaay house party.

I'm glad to hear that you have a knowledge of non-american music. I'm working on a show that needs music... FASCINATING music from places that are not the U.S.

I am sure that I will be coming to you for ideas.