Monday, September 29, 2008

getting drama students involved in your programming

Hi all,

I know some of you had/have expressed interest in creating some radio fiction, which we'll get to later in the semester. I've been in some initial contact with the Drama division to talk about organizing auditions for acting students who may be interested in performing in the fiction pieces you plan to create. If people are still interested in doing this, I'd like to draft an announcement that we can disseminate around the New School for Drama letting students know that there are opportunities to perform "on the air" in the long term. If anyone is already thinking about or working on specific productions, we can announce this as well.

Students from that division are of course, like all of us, very busy, but I think it would be nice to also to let students working "behind-the-scenes" (writing, directing) know that we are happy to air readings, snippets of ongoing productions, or anything else they might be interested in sharing with the New School community.

If anyone interested in generating fiction content would like to get together and help move these ideas forward, that would be great! I can be reached at, or before or after class on Fridays.

See you all soon!

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